Liliana Venz

Gen Z Creator & TikToker

Liliana Venz, a vibrant Gen Z social creator has an infectious blend of sweet humour, approachability, and positivity.

With her quirky charm, she effortlessly pulls viewers into her world, blending trends, competitions, and authentic piece-to-camera formats.

Boasting an impressive 105% engagement rate on TikTok, Liliana's keen creativity and deep understanding of social platforms captivate audiences, helping brands to build visibility online. Notably, Liliana played a pivotal role in the exceptional ascent of the TikTok-built brand, 35mm Co, contributing not only through her innovative social media concepts and strategies but also by serving as a prominent face of the brand.

Liliana emerges as a young talent to watch, already surpassing expectations with her remarkable engagement and substantial growth for brands, far exceeding her follower count!


Jade Piper


Luka Films